Shake-up in Navy, new PSOs, FOCs, others appointed

Shake-up in Navy, new PSOs, FOCs, others appointed

The Sun

From Molly Kilete, Abuja

Nigerian Navy has announced the appointments of new flag officer commanding (FOCs), principal staff officers, commandants of tri-service institutions and commanders of the various units of the service across the country.

The postings contained in a statement by the Director, Naval Information, Commodore Suleiman Dahun, followed the recent promotion of 54 rear admirals in the Nigerian Navy.

Under the new arrangement, Rear Admiral Saidu Garba, formerly the Navy Secretary, has been appointed Chief of Policy and Plans, Naval Headquarters, while Rear Admiral Barabutemegha Gbassa, formerly Flag Officer Commanding Western Naval Command is now the Chief of Administration, Naval Headquarters. Rear Admiral Sanusi Ibrahim, formerly Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Naval Command, moves to Naval Headquarters as Navy Secretary, while Rear Admiral Sileranda Lassa, formerly Flag Officer Commanding Logistics Command, has been appointed Group Managing Director, Navy Holdings Limited.

Rear Admiral Muhammed Nagenu, erstwhile Chief of Logistics, Naval Headquarters has been appointed Chief of Defence Administration at the Defence Headquarters and Rear Admiral Solomon Agada, formerly Director Peacekeeping Operations, Naval Headquarters is now appointed Chief of Training and Operations.

Read the full story in The Sun


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