Our children begged that I allow my husband have sex with me so that he would not beat me to death —Wife

Our children begged that I allow my husband have sex with me so that he would not beat me to death —Wife


A woman, Mrs Olamide Lawal, has dragged her husband, Saheed Lawal, before Grade ‘A’ Customary Court Mapo, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State on the accounts of irresponsibility, drunkenness and battery by the latter.

Olamide explained that Saheed got drunk all the time and would beat her blue black when he wanted to have sex with her.

She added that he was destructive. According to the plaintiff, the defendant always came to her shop to destroy her goods.

Olamide entreated the court to dissolve their wedlock but make her husband responsible for the upkeep of their children whom she said he had always neglected.

She further requested that the court restrain him from coming to fight and destroy her property both in her house and shop.

Saheed admitted to his wife’s claim but prayed the court not to dissolve their union.

“Saheed has a caustic tongue. He abuses me anytime he calls me on the phone. Not done, he will rain curses on me,” Olamide said while giving her testimony.

“My husband failed in his responsibility towards me and our children. He never gave us feeding allowance nor cared about our children’s education. He passed the buck of his responsibility to me.

“I worked round the clock to put food on the table and also gave our children transport fare five times in a week to go to school

“But all I got as reward was his maltreatment of me.

“Saheed is a drunk. He spent his income on alcohol. He returned home drunk every night and would drag me out of bed and beat me to a pulp.

“He sent me out of the house into cold on many occasions.

“We almost fought every night because he would come demanding for sex which I always refused him. I was not happy having sex with him.

“Our children always appealled to me to have sex with him so that he would not beat me to death.

Read the full story in Tribune



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