Ukrainian troops launch counter-offensive as NATO official says Putin's advance is 'losing momentum'

Ukraine’s armed forces have launched a counter-offensive on the Russian-held city of Izyum in what could prove to be a major turning point in the battle for the country’s east.

Izyum is one of the largest cities in the Kharkiv oblast and sits less than 15 miles from the regional border with Donetsk – part of the infamous Donbas region which Russian President Vladimir Putin is hell bent on seizing.

Liberating the city from Russian occupation would provide Ukrainian forces with a key strategic position on the Donets river from which to launch further counter-offensives to drive Putin’s forces back into the Donbas.

The counter-attack in Izyum comes just one day after the general staff of the armed forces of Ukraine announced they had successfully repelled Russian forces from the second city Kharkiv, a mere 40 miles from the Russian border.

But a Ukrainian military spokesperson admitted that Russian units had advanced elsewhere, gaining ground in a number of smaller cities and towns along…


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