Finns & Swedes won’t benefit from NATO membership – Nobel Peace Prize nominee

Finns & Swedes won’t benefit from NATO membership – Nobel Peace Prize nominee

Helsinki and Stockholm are looking to join a “failed organization,” renowned peace researcher Jan Oberg warns

NATO membership won’t make Finland and Sweden more secure, but would likely see them fighting somebody else’s wars and hosting American bases, Dr. Jan Oberg, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, has told RT.

“It’s a disastrous decision,” Oberg said on Sunday, following an official declaration by the Finnish government that it is planning to join the US-led military bloc. Hours later, a similar announcement was made by the ruling party in Sweden. The two Nordic nations stayed out of NATO during the Cold War, but their governments said Russia’s military operation in Ukraine has become a game-changer.

Finland and Sweden have failed to carry out “long-term consequence analysis,” Oberg said. “Nobody seems to ask whether NATO is the right thing to join. After…


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