Army veterans recount how they were told to stay quiet after close encounter with 'alien craft'

Army veterans recount how they were told to stay quiet after close encounter with 'alien craft'

Three former cavalrymen revealed their encounter with a UFO at a Middle East US military base in 2014 – and complained they had no official way to report the strange sighting.

Now the three veterans are speaking exclusively to in a rare on-record interview as  the first public Congressional hearings on UFOs in half a century got underway Tuesday.

They said they saw eight bright objects hovering and zipping across the sky at incredible speeds from a desert outpost in Sinai, on the Egyptian border, around December 2014.

The three cavalry scouts, who are trained in identifying aircraft, believe the objects they witnessed were of non-human origin.

One claims he was told ‘keep your mouth shut’ by a senior officer after word spread among his regiment about the sighting.

Private First Class Dovell Engram (front, second from left) and Sergeant Travis Bingham (front, second from right) during their deployment in the Sinai Peninsula

A grab from Dovell Engram's instagram page showing his view of the Sinai through a night vision scope

A grab from Dovell Engram’s…


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