Baltic states demand massive NATO buildup – media

Baltic states demand massive NATO buildup – media

Some 20,000 troops are to be deployed to any of the three nations in case of a threat, a proposal seen by the Washington Post says

Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are actively seeking an enhanced NATO presence in Eastern Europe amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday, citing a joint proposal by the three nations obtained by the media outlet. A division-sized force of some 20,000 troops should be put on standby to be rapidly deployed to any of the nations if a threat arises, the document that has not been officially made public says, according to Washington Post.

The Baltic states cite a potential threat from Moscow as a reason for the buildup. “Russia can rapidly mass military forces against NATO’s eastern border and confront the Alliance with a short war and fait accompli,” the document says, adding that “Russia’s direct military aggression against NATO allies cannot be excluded.”


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