Hugging really does beat stress… but only if you're a woman

Hugging really does beat stress… but only if you're a woman

If you feel stressed about work, hugging your partner briefly may be your natural reaction.

But now scientists have given their backing to tenderly embracing your spouse — saying it really does help to banish stress. 

That’s because a cuddle — even if it lasts seconds — can buffer the body’s natural response to taxing situations.

However, only women appear able to reap the benefits. No visible stress-reducing effects were seen in men.

German researchers said this could be down to women finding hugs ‘significantly more pleasant’ than men.

They also produce more of oxytocin in response. The love hormone, as it is known, interferes with the production of cortisol, therefore helping to reduce levels of the stress hormone in the body.

Experts claimed their findings, based on 76 couples, show ‘social touch may buffer against stress’.

But now scientists have given their backing to tenderly embracing your spouse — saying it really does help to banish stress. That’s because a…


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