Chances of first Rwanda flight taking off today are 'very, very slim', ministers believe

The chances of the first removal flight to Rwanda going ahead today are ‘very, very slim’, ministers claimed just hours after the government won a key court battle.

Only seven asylum seekers are expected to board the plane, campaigners said.

It was originally thought 130 people would be sent on the first flight to the central African country for their asylum claims to be processed.

The Home Office revealed last week the figure would be 31 – with the total shrinking.

A government source told The Times: ‘All the lawyers who have been fighting in the courts will now turn their collective might elsewhere and direct all their resources at the remaining individuals due to be on board.

‘They’ll be exploiting every single loophole possible and using every trick in the book to get those last people removed from the flight.

‘[The chances of it going ahead as planned] are very, very slim.’ 

Judges last night refused to block the inaugural flight scheduled for today to the offshore processing…


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