Ukraine lacks US support to make weapons operable – WaPo

Ukraine lacks US support to make weapons operable – WaPo

The Pentagon has reportedly failed to provide the “wartime customer service” needed for Javelin missiles given to Kiev

Ukrainian fighters are struggling to use some of the weaponry provided by Washington to battle Russian forces, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, because the Pentagon has failed to provide training materials, spare parts and other logistical assistance, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

The breakdown stems from an absence of “wartime customer service,” the types of support that US troops rely on to keep their weapons operable, the newspaper said, citing interviews with Ukrainian commanders and Western volunteer fighters. The Post gave the example of Javelin missile launchers that couldn’t be used because of failed electrical components and poor translation of user instructions.

“We’re sending equipment,” volunteer trainer Mark Hayward, a US Army veteran, told the media outlet. “But we have decided not to do…


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