Colombia’s new president could deal major blow to US imperialism

Colombia’s new president could deal major blow to US imperialism

US ally Colombia just elected its first leftist president, marking a significant challenge to Washington’s influence in the region

Former leftist guerrilla Gustavo Petro won Sunday’s runoff vote in Colombia’s presidential election, marking the first time ever that the US-allied nation has voted for a leftist candidate. This election represents a historic shift for Colombia’s economic model – but perhaps an even bigger one for US strategic interests in the region. 

By Petro’s own account, “Real change is coming.” That is at least what he said in his victory speech. He has promised to turn the country in a greener direction by phasing out oil and coal. He also plans to enlarge pensions, institute universal healthcare and make university education free – to be paid for by taxes on the wealthy. 

He has also said that he wants to use import tariffs to protect local industry and negotiate trade agreements, a staunch move against the…


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