Mick Lynch splits Question Time audience as he is groaned over 'Spanish practice' maintenance teams

RMT boss Mick Lynch split the Question Time audience last night as he was groaned at over the ‘Spanish practice’ of maintenance teams only operating at certain stations.

The programme’s host Fiona Bruce had questioned whether crews operating at stations as little as five minutes apart are not allowed to work at the other station, a policy Network Rail CEO Andrew Haines wants to scrap. 

Union leader Mr Lynch, who has led 50,000 rail workers on strike this week, said it was right ‘because they are two different regions’, prompting groans from the audience.

He added that assets and equipment are ‘entirely different on each region’, but was then berated by one audience member over his ‘Victorian attitude’. 

‘Mick that just doesn’t fly… Because it’s a different area people can’t go from Victoria to Charing Cross? That’s just ludicrous. It’s an absolutely ludicrous, unworkable situation,’ the audience member said. 

But another, who claimed he was a rail worker who has been on the…


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