Turkey explains why it does not impose sanctions on Russia

Turkey explains why it does not impose sanctions on Russia

Russian actions in Ukraine cannot be justified – but they are not unprovoked, the Turkish president’s spokesman says

Turkey does not follow the Western lead in sanctioning Russia because it is guided by pragmatic economic considerations and “a policy of balance,” the Turkish president’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin has said.

In an interview with Haberturk TV, Kalin said that Ankara is pursuing “a policy of balance” when it comes to its relations with Russia.

“As we are dependent on foreign sources for energy, we develop relations with Russia as we do with Iran,” he explained, noting that Turkey also enjoys good relations with the US and other Western countries.

“We do not impose sanctions on Russia after the Ukraine war. Of course, we have to protect the interests of our country,” he said.

In Kalin’s opinion, imposing sanctions on Moscow “will harm Turkey’s economy more than Russia’s.”

“We took a clear stand. At present, the…


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