Iran launches space rocket (VIDEO)

Iran launches space rocket (VIDEO)

Tehran has conducted a new test of its three-stage satellite carrier rocket, according to state media, in an alleged bid to expand its national space program. Washington, however, believes it to be part of a military ballistic missile research to obtain long-range nuclear strike capabilities.

The footage of the countdown and blastoff was aired by Iranian television on Sunday, but it was not clear exactly when or where the rocket was launched. The rocket is said to be a three-stage Satellite Launch Vehicle dubbed Zuljanah, which uses both solid and liquid fuels.

A spokesman for Iran’s Defense Ministry, said the launch was conducted for “predetermined research purposes,” and claimed that it proved that Zuljanah is competitive with the world’s top satellite carriers in technical aspects, according to Press TV. The 25.5 meter-long rocket is reportedly designed to carry a single 220-kilogram or multiple smaller satellites into orbit.

While the take-off appeared to go smoothly, just…


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