Four horseback agents referred for disciplinary action over Haitian migrant rein photos

Four Border Patrol agents on horseback WILL be disciplined over Haitian migrant rein photos: Officials say they were unprofessional and used unnecessary force but did NOT ‘whip’ them

  • Customs and Border Protection released their 500-page report on Friday 
  • It concluded the agents acted unprofessionally  and used unnecessary force 
  • However, the investigation found the agents did not strike the Haitian migrants  
  • The images taken in September 2021 sparked a firestorm from the White House
  • 15,000 Haitian migrants had gathered in Del Rio after crossing the border 
  • 8,000 were quickly expelled under Title 42 , the border COVID restrictions 
  • Biden insisted the agents would ‘pay’ for their actions near the border 
  • However, the initial reports that the migrants were ‘whipped’ was debunked 
  • ‘There were failures to make good decisions at multiple levels of the organization,’ said Customers and Border Patrol Commissioner Chris Magnus


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