‘UFO whistleblowers’ offered protections

‘UFO whistleblowers’ offered protections

A GOP-backed amendment would offer ‘whistleblower-like’ safeguards for UFO leakers

Legislation making its way through the US Congress will grant immunity to government employees who leak information about “unidentified aerial phenomena” – commonly known as UFOs – seeking to create a formal process for such disclosures. 

Introduced earlier this month by Representative Mike Gallagher (R-Wisconsin), an amendment to the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act calls to protect federal workers who reveal details of UAP sightings, regardless of any previous non-disclosure agreement “that could be interpreted as a legal constraint on reporting by a witness.”

“The amendment would establish a process within the government for reporting UAPs and provide whistleblower-like protections,” Jordan Dunn, a spokesman for Gallagher, told the War Zone on Thursday.

The measure proposes a “secure system for receiving reports” about “any event…


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