Cost of living pushing UK women into prostitution – activists

Cost of living pushing UK women into prostitution – activists

Women already in the industry are finding themselves unable to turn away dangerous clients, activists warned

Outreach workers warned Sky News on Saturday that the rising cost of living in the UK is forcing women into sex work, with some forced to meet clients on the streets. 

The English Collective of Prostitutes, a London-based group that advises women in the sex industry how to say safe and out of trouble with the law, told Sky that it saw walls to its helpline increase by a third this summer.

Spokeswoman Niki Adams said that rising food and energy bills have driven women to prostitution.

“Across the board what we’re seeing is people coming to that work from a place of desperation,” Adams said. “That means they are much less able to protect themselves from violence and exploitation.”

One woman Adams works with found herself losing hundreds of pounds when the UK’s benefits program moved to the Universal Credit system – an ongoing process that…


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