Ukrainian neo-Nazis target Pushkin bust

A bust of the iconic Russian poet in Kiev metro has been doused in red dye

A monument to the famous Russian 19th-century poet, Alexander Pushkin, was attacked by a group of alleged Ukrainian neo-Nazis this week. The bust decorating one of the metro stations in Kiev was doused in red paint. 

A video that has since surfaced on social media showed two masked men wearing military-style cloth pouring red dye on the bust. One of them can be heard saying, “Glory to Ukraine!” and calling their act a “creative” performance. One of the men also appears to be wearing an insignia that resembles an emblem of the neo-Nazi ‘Right Sector’ group. Russia has previously put the group on its terrorism list. 

The metro station appeared to be empty at the time of the act. The Kiev authorities have so far not reacted to the vandalism.

The stunt comes as Ukraine increasingly seeks to rid itself of any references to Russia, ranging from street names to…


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