Google labels parents as sex offenders for photos of own naked toddlers – NYT

Parents had their accounts seized after the tech giant flagged them as child abusers – even after police exonerated them

Google’s stepped-up crusade against child sexual exploitation on its platforms risks destroying the lives of the very children it purports to save – as well as innocent parents – by leaving their reputations, their freedom and perhaps even their family unit’s survival in the hands of an overzealous algorithm, a New York Times investigation published on Sunday has revealed. 

Two completely unconnected fathers of young children experienced almost identical Kafkaesque nightmares, labeled as child molesters for nothing more sinister than trying to get their toddlers medical help. San Francisco dad Mark and Houston dad Cassio thought nothing of sending over photos of their sons’ swollen genitals on the request of their pediatricians, a practice which has become totally normal in the post-pandemic paradigm. 



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