Weekly Horoscope: September 26 – October 2

Weekly Horoscope: September 26 – October 2

Venus, the planet of relationships, harmonizes with power planet Pluto on Monday, September 26, at 1:45 AM, bringing a wider awareness of interpersonal power dynamics. Venus then meets with messenger Mercury at 1:58 PM, sprouting avenues to communicate desires. Also on Monday, the sun faces off with lucky Jupiter at 3:33 PM, bringing big revelations!

Mercury, the planet of communication, harmonizes with Pluto, the planet of secrets, on Tuesday, September 27, at 8:55 AM, digging up buried memories to parse through and heal. Think back to what was being discussed on September 22; it’s circling back.

Action planet Mars harmonizes with serious Saturn at 1:48 AM on Wednesday,  September 28, greasing the wheels. Long and tedious processes are moving along. Venus enters its home sign, Libra, at 3:49 PM on Thursday, September 29. Venus in Libra is about visual and conceptual beauty. Harmonies in relationships, concepts, and visual schemes are favored for the coming weeks.

Venus faces off with Jupiter, the planet of growth, at 2:11 PM. Expect indulgence, pleasant social activity, and truce-making.

Mercury retrograde ends on Sunday, October 2, at 5:07 PM: The days that Mercury retrograde begin and end are known as Mercury’s stations. These are astrologically remarkable days when Mercury is standing still, so transport and communications are especially slow or delayed, even if we think Mercury retrograde is finally over. Have extra patience, bring a book.

All times ET.

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Aries: March 20, 2022 – April 19, 2022

You’re able to sense what greater purpose you’re serving. As emotional Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto, you’re in touch with how your work fits into the bigger picture. You can be clued into some covert or insider information with Mercury also in harmony with Pluto. You are letting go of beliefs you have about other people (and yourself) as the sun faces off with Jupiter. Your planetary ruler Mars harmonizes with serious Saturn, giving you headway on a long-term goal that is weighing on your mind. With love planet Venus moving into your relationships sector, you are finding harmony and pleasure in your relationships and interpersonal life, attracting people who elevate and please you. Work and health related conversations slow down and pause as Mercury retrograde ends.

Taurus: April 19, 2022 – May 20, 2022

As your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with Pluto, you’re able to transcend (or at least think through) deep-seated psychological and societal dynamics. Love and personal happiness is not always rational, but with Mercury and Venus together, you’re making sense of the world at large and your important place in it. Consider how you’re investing in your legacy as action planet Mars harmonizes with Saturn. What is your most important currency: time, money, or focus? You’re happy to get into the flow of a routine as Venus moves into Libra. You can be generous volunteering your special charms with Venus opposite Jupiter. Mercury retrograde ends in your chart’s social and creative sector, which can find conversations about parties, artwork, and lovers at a standstill.

Gemini: May 20, 2022 – June 21, 2022

Hidden power dynamics in relationships are given the space and faith to be worked through as Venus harmonizes with Pluto. Venus is with Mercury, your planetary ruler, so matters of the heart are considered very carefully. Topics that are not openly discussed are on the table as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto. Taboos and matters concerning intimacy are explored. There’s a strong, determined force to harness as Mars harmonizes with Saturn. You’re overcoming mental hurdles and addressing restrictions  that have been weighing on your spirit. You are pausing to reflect as Mercury retrograde ends in a private, domestic sector of your chart. You may need to take some time away from the public eye to sort out your thoughts.

Cancer: June 21, 2022 – July 22, 2022

You’re connecting to a greater understanding of relationship dynamics as Venus and Mercury harmonize with Pluto. There’s a strong desire to figure out things that are typically just felt. You’re able to connect with a secret side of others that brings you understanding about your own mindset. Something big is being released into the world as the sun faces off with Jupiter, manifesting happiness that you can believe in. With Venus moving into your chart’s house of home and family, you’re finding pleasure in your private and domestic life. These pleasures are exaggerated and emphasized with Venus opposite Jupiter. You might want a minute to figure things out as Mercury retrograde ends in your chart’s house of communication and commuting.

Leo: July 22, 2022 – August 22, 2022

Mental and philosophical pursuits are coming to a climatic ending as your planetary ruler, the sun, faces off with Jupiter. Very big conversations reach their conclusive peak. This aspect falls on your chart’s axis of teaching and learning. You have gracious knowledge to share as well as tremendous insights to download. Progress is made in your future plans for relationships as Mars harmonizes with serious Saturn. Interpersonal issues that require a lot of patience are moving forward and resolving as you strategize toward the future, together. Mercury ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of personal resources, which can require some patience when it comes to payments and trading—make sure to double check receipts.

Virgo: August 22, 2022 – September 22, 2022

You know what you want, and that’s powerful. Venus meets your planetary ruler Mercury, and both harmonize with Pluto, the planet of taboo. Knowing your worth is a secret weapon. It’s a way for you to transform your relationships, romantic and platonic. You’re tapped into the collective which is useful for artistic exploration and work as a healer. You’re making headway in your job and career with Mars trine Saturn. To hurdle over time constraints and responsibilities while still following your calling takes nerve, and energy! Give yourself time to rest and recuperate after this tedious home stretch. Take time out to check in with yourself, maybe with a body scan, as Mercury retrograde ends in your sign.

Libra: September 22, 2022 – October 23, 2022

You’re untangling some very complex knots with Venus and Mercury trine Pluto. You’re feeling out how social standards and politics play into your own identity. You’re making peace with beliefs about relationships as the sun faces off with Jupiter, encouraging you to find a compromise. It is possible that interpersonal commitments are ending, or peaking, with the sun opposite Jupiter. With Venus moving into your sign, you’re able to connect with your desires and self-image more closely. Big feelings and even some silliness come with Venus opposite Jupiter. As Mercury ends its retrograde in an extremely mysterious sector of your chart, you may be quicker to accept that delays and miscommunications are magically outside of your control.

Scorpio: October 23, 2022 – November 22, 2022

Scorpio is a sign that is qualified by determination and willpower, characteristics emphasized by this week’s astrology. Venus and Mercury are both in harmony with Pluto, which makes connections with people who have connections. You know who to reach out to in order to see your goals to completion. Your traditional planetary ruler Mars is trine Saturn, which also relates to progress and seeing things done. You may be able to find a support system or financial help for your own work as well as your health and vitality. Mercury ends its retrograde, which can make you pause and think about your plan, and how it can be more flexible in order to set you up for success.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2022 – December 21, 2022

You know how to keep it going no matter what with Venus and Mercury trine Pluto. Funds are being shared for a project related that you are known best for! Although you’re greasing the pipes, you might still be waiting for them to flow as Mercury stations. You get a realistic understanding of your friendships as the sun faces off with Jupiter. You’re able to let go of old ideas that you had about people. You are accomplishing what makes you happy. There are mental mazes that you’re powering through, with the help of your partners and relations, as Mars trines Saturn. Good spirits and company have you feeling lucky with Venus opposite Jupiter!

Capricorn: December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022

Consider the way your ideals about relationships play into your own sneaky agenda as Venus and Mercury trine Pluto. Are you capricious simply because it gives you control? Are you telling the same story to everyone? Being honest with yourself can bring beautiful breakthroughs. You are seriously aware of your beliefs about home and family as the sun opposes Jupiter. There’s a palpable tension between your impulses and your conscience. Action planet Mars harmonizes with your planetary ruler Saturn, which gives you more fuel to address boring, but necessary,  financial matters. You’re getting positive public attention as Venus enters Libra. Venus opposite Jupiter materializes agreements and public relationships. Take time to reflect on your mission statement as Mercury stations.

Aquarius: January 19, 2022 – February 18, 2022

Not everything is done by one’s self! Venus and Mercury meet in your chart’s house of shared resources, and you’re figuring out how to ask for help, or how you can provide help for others. Tough questions are addressed and answered as Mars harmonizes with Saturn. Relationships and social situations are approached from multiple angles, but the unifying factor is you! You are ultimately the final authority. Even though you call the shots, you still have to talk about it with other people. And the conversation is going to take a while. Mercury ends its retrograde in a shared sector of your chart. You’ll have to have patience while waiting for other people to respond.

Pisces: February 18, 2022 – March 20, 2022

Relationships are moving forward with your future in mind as Venus trines power planet Pluto. If someone does not sit with your intuition, chances are it’s because you’re picking up on something deeply subtextual, and you want to move beyond it! Venus meets with Mercury and you’re ready to talk about values and desires in relationships. You can end up chatting about things that are typically not discussed, or sharing secrets. There’s an openness about what you have to offer with sun opposite Jupiter. Battles fought in private are pushing forward to victory with Mars trine Saturn—things that are bugging you need to be discussed! As Mercury retrograde ends, conversations about relationship dynamics stand still for a moment.

The post Weekly Horoscope: September 26 – October 2 appeared first on VICE.


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