Ghislaine Maxwell to appeal sex trafficking charges, claiming she suffered from ‘inhumane conditions’ and juror bias

Ghislaine Maxwell to appeal sex trafficking charges, claiming she suffered from ‘inhumane conditions’ and juror bias


Infamous socialite and Jeffrey Epsteinassociate Ghislaine Maxwell will appeal her conviction for sex trafficking on the basis that one of her jurors was biased and did not properly fill out a jury selection survey, according to Yahoo News.

In addition, Maxwell said that her time in a Brooklyn detention center, where she was put in solitary confinement, constitutes “inhumane conditions.”

One of Maxwell’s jurors allegedly failed to disclose his own personal experience of sexual abuse during jury selection, claiming he was distracted when he filled out a screening questionnaire. It wasn’t until after the trial that the juror revealed his alleged childhood trauma in a newspaper interview.

Maxwell’s defense argues that the person is unfit to serve on the jury for a case that centered around child abuse.

“To compound the error, he used his undisclosed prior experience to convince other jurors that she was guilty,” the defense lawyers claim.

Other complaints of the Maxwell team are that the government did not live up to a deal struck by Epstein in 2007, described as a non-prosecution deal, which they allege should provide her with immunity. Maxwell claims that the government was barred by a five-year statute of limitations and as such should be unable to charge her.

She will also allegedly claim that Epstein’s victims were motivated by money and developed new allegations based on “faded memories,” for the purpose of financial compensation.

Maxwell’s lawyers also believe the court did not correct a misunderstanding by the jury relating to some of the charges, claiming she was convicted of crimes for which she was not charged.

It was recently revealed that Epstein used accounts at JPMorgan to pay trafficking victims, withdrawing more than $775,000 over one period to pay for “”massages,’ or sexual encounters, in cash.”

Epstein also referred to women by code names, using the names of Disney princesses to communicate with his clients.

It was also recently reported that an aide to former President Bill Clinton who also had ties to Epstein had died by suicide.

Mark Middleton, 59, was discovered at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, about 30 miles from his home in Little Rock. He was reportedly found sitting next to a tree with an extension cord wrapped around his neck. The other end of the cord was attached to a tree limb above him.

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