Armed U.S. drones escort evacuation of American citizens in war-torn Sudan

Armed U.S. drones escort evacuation of American citizens in war-torn Sudan


Armed drones escorted hundreds of Americans as they began their escape from war-torn Sudan on Saturday amid fierce fighting between the military and a rival paramilitary group. 

The unmanned aerial vehicles flew above a convoy of buses as they made the 500-mile journey from the African nation’s capital, Khartoum, to Port Sudan on the country’s east coast, a U.S. official familiar with the matter confirmed to NBC News. Several hundred Americans were on board at least a dozen buses, said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly. 

The official said that the U.S. government was likely to release more exact figures of the number evacuated in the convoy once the Americans had made it safely to the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah…


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