FM: Six or seven Muslim nations to make peace with Israel after Saudis

FM: Six or seven Muslim nations to make peace with Israel after Saudis


Six or seven Muslim nations will join Saudi Arabia in making peace with Israel following the conclusion of the long-sought normalization deal with the Saudis, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen revealed in an interview with KAN News on Friday afternoon.

Speaking directly after Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly in which he heralded the dawn of a “new Middle East,” Cohen said that “it’s important to restate what the prime minister said, peace with Saudi Arabia is also peace between Jews and the Muslim world.

“Six or seven nations from Africa and Asia will join the peace deal with the Saudis,” Cohen said.

“I’m telling you, I have met with several officials from Muslim nations with which Israel does not share formal ties.”

Cohen causes diplomatic debacle with Libya

Last month, Cohen caused a diplomatic crisis by leaking his conversation with his Libyan counterpart Najla Mangoush. She was fired for holding that meeting, forced to flee her country, and is now under investigation.


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