UK special forces shot nine men ‘most likely while asleep’, Afghanistan probe told

UK special forces shot nine men ‘most likely while asleep’, Afghanistan probe told

Afghan partner units ‘refused to serve with UK special forces due to their behaviour’


UK special forces allegedly had a policy of executing males of “fighting age” in Afghanistan in circumstances where they posed no threat, an independent inquiry has heard.

The central allegation of the probe, which will focus on alleged illegal activity in the war-torn nation between 2010 and 2013, is that special forces “abused” night raids to carry out the policy.

Counsel to the inquiry Oliver Glasgow KC said there were also claims that Afghan partner units “refused to serve with UK special forces due to their behaviour”.

Before detailing the circumstances of one alleged unlawful killing on a night raid, also known as a “deliberate detention operation” (DDO), Mr Glasgow gave a health warning of “graphic” images that would be shown to the inquiry which “could cause upset”.

The DDO in question resulted in the death of Mohammed Ibrahim, who, the inquiry heard, worked as an Afghan government official between 2001 and 2007.

Mr Ibrahim’s family, including his son, Abdul Walli, claim he was an “innocent civilian” and “no weapons were found at the compound” when he suffered bullet and dog bite injuries.

A further DDO was then detailed by Mr Glasgow, in which nine men were killed – with their families claiming they were shot in bed, “most likely while asleep”.

Habibullah Alizai, who was the head of the family living in the compound, said he was woken by the “noise of shouting and gunshots” and that he was interrogated and beaten by soldiers during the raid.

Mr Glasgow said special forces said lethal force was used by soldiers in both DDOs “in self-defence”.

Ahead of the substantive hearings, which began at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on Monday, families who allege unlawful killings called on the probe to “provide us with the truth”.

The probe will look at allegations that “numerous” killings were carried out, as well as the alleged cover-up of illegal activity and inadequate investigations by the Royal Military Police (RMP).

My family and I request the inquiry team to provide us with the truth and explain to us why and on what basis we had to go through this cruelty

Saifullah family member

It was launched in the wake of legal challenges to the Government by Leigh Day solicitors on behalf of the Saifullah and Noorzai families as well as a number of significant media investigations.


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