Protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa painting in Paris

Protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa painting in Paris


Protesters have thrown soup at the Mona Lisa painting in the Louvre in Paris.

Footage shows two women crossing a security boundary to get closer to the painting, with both throwing soup towards the Leonardo da Vinci artwork.

Both are wearing a shirt with Riposte Alimentaire – which translates as food response – written on the front, referring to a climate activist group.

The incident came as French farmers have been protesting for days against low wages and other problems.

“What’s the most important thing?” the women shouted. “Art, or right to healthy and sustainable food?”

“Our farming system is sick, our farmers are dying at work,” they added.

Museum staff then rushed to the painting with black screens in a bid to block the public’s view and asked visitors to evacuate the room immediately.

The group claims two people – aged 24 and 63 – involved with their “new campaign” were behind the incident to “demand the establishment of sustainable food social security”.

A glass window protects the Mona Lisa, meaning the soup would not have covered the painting itself…


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