He once poached the wild animals of Zimbabwe. Now he preaches against it

He once poached the wild animals of Zimbabwe. Now he preaches against it

CHIREDZI, Zimbabwe (AP) — Tembanechako Mastick and a group of men scanned bushes near their village in southeast Zimbabwe, on the hunt for the den of hyenas that had recently attacked livestock. Scattered fragments of goat bones showed the way, and Mastick peeped cautiously into a deep hole in the earth.

“They are probably gone from here, but not far because they see plenty of food in this area,” Mastick said. Some of his companions suggested sealing the hole, while others argued for trying to burn out any animals inside.

In the past, Mastick, 47, might have been willing. He grew up hunting in his community’s tradition, and though he grew crops and raised livestock in later years, turned to poaching when recurring droughts made farming less viable. But then he was caught late last year taking small game in the nearby Save Valley Conservancy, one of the largest private game reserves in Africa, and spent nearly three months in jail,…


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