Democrats bought a Billboard in this Republican Texas county. Then something funny happened.

Democrats bought a Billboard in this Republican Texas county. Then something funny happened.

For the past three election cycles, Democrats in Kendall County, Texas, have put up billboards encouraging people to vote Democratic.

The billboard is a signal that while the county may be overwhelmingly Republican, it’s not entirely Republican.

“Kendall County is a heavily red county, and we like to put up billboards because it just basically lets everybody know that, yes, there are Democrats here,” Laura Bray, chair of the Kendall County Democratic Party, said in an interview.

Kendall County Democrats put up a billboard along Interstate 10 in September.
Kendall County Democrats put up a billboard along Interstate 10 in September.

Courtesy of the Kendall County Democratic Party

Kendall County will surely go for Trump next month, but the area has been trending bluer, ever so slightly. Trump won 75% of the Kendall County vote in 2020, down from his 77% share in 2016 and Mitt Romney’s 81% in 2012.

After Democrats put up their advertisement on Interstate 10 in September, something different happened. Within a few weeks, a local business put up a billboard…


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