Fani-Kayode’s note on the Hamas freedom fighters

Fani-Kayode’s note on the Hamas freedom fighters


The Prime Minister of Somalia said, “Hamas are not terrorists but rather an Islamic liberation movement and we will not change our minds even if they cut off our heads”.


An Islamic liberation movement that bakes babies in ovens, cuts off their heads and uses innocent civilians, including women and children, as human shields?

An Islamic liberation movement that hacks women to pieces after raping them in front of their families?

An Islamic liberation movement that kidnaps and tortures the elderly, the mentally ill and the disabled and that turns children into sex slaves?

An Islamic liberation that does not brook dissent, that suppresses and terrorises its own people and that says Israel does not have the right to exist?

An Islamic liberation movement that is committed to killing every Jew on earth, that seeks to wipe Israel off the map and that lives in tunnels under the city of Gaza like hungry and filthy rats? 

An Islamic liberation movement that is committed to the ideals and aspirations of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Daesh?

Thunder fire you!

There is nothing heroic or Islamic about any of these shameful and cowardly atrocities.

 Hamas is not an Islamic liberation movement and its members are not freedom fighters: they are nothing but a bunch of savage beasts, cold-blooded murderers and bestial butchers.

The PM of Somalia is at best ignorant and at worse deluded.

He is a poor lost soul and may well be in need of medical attention. 

I respectfully suggest that he gets his head examined or better still just do us all a favour and have someone cut it off!


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