Chuck Todd on Joe Biden: “Everything’s always been about his ambition, and his ambition comes first.” LISTEN

Chuck Todd reconsiders Biden narrative amid refusal to step aside…

The media wants Biden out, and if Chuck Todd’s podcast is any indication, they are less afraid to go nuclear on Biden than his Democrat colleagues in Congress.

Todd isn’t holding back–at least not that much. No doubt he can take it up a notch or three, but this shot didn’t go across the bow–it hit the bow of Biden’s boat. 

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd says Biden’s refusal to step aside has made him “rethink a lot of the Biden biography. I still can’t believe he ran for president in the first place, given that his family was in crisis in 2018…You look at what has happened, I can’t believe he has put his family through this. And now, looking at his behavior now, in clinging to this, I think the entire narrative on Joe Biden is gonna change, in that everything’s always been about his ambition and his ambition comes first.”


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