Premarital sex kills slowly

Premarital sex kills slowly

My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,

I know many people including a man I met in London, United Kingdom, last weekend that said he’s always bewildered by the sexual purity articles by a lady, who wears a pink hat in Saturday PUNCH, would say “there she goes again!” (Smiles). Yes please! Here I am again to tell you nothing but the truth!

One of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen committed suicide a few days ago, because her boyfriend married another lady a day after she gave him money! I’m sure it is not just the shock that messed her up but the ungodly soul tie as a result of sexual intercourse which made her think she can’t live without him! What a sad waste of a beautiful life and future! May God rest her soul and send help to her son!

You can’t imagine what peace you have and the enormous power a sexually-pure person carries! We’re clearly told in 1 Cor.6:19-20 that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should honour God with our bodies yet you engage in sex outside marriage jamming your life with multiple strange spirits, inviting darkness into your life and chasing God away-disrespecting Him by defiling your body- HIS TEMPLE! Allowing strangers to manipulate your life and scuttle God’s original plans for you!!! Hmm….You need to read this article well! It is self-destructive when teenagers engage in romantic relationships which, more often than not, get them broken in spirit and could alter God’s plans for their lives! Do you know that the devil gains control over your life when you have a BOYFRIEND IN YOUR TEENS? Here’s how:

  • When you have a boyfriend, you start basking in his love poems, warmth, attention and affection towards you and you would rather fantasise about him than study extra hard.
  • You begin to tell lies about where you have been, where you’re going and who you have been talking to on phone etc.
  • When he realises you are hopelessly in love with him, he begins to toy with your feelings and before you know it, you start having sleepless nights, crying spells, poor concentration, breaking out in pimples and your grades begin to drop, etc.
  • He’s likely to do all he can to engage in sex with you and resorts to emotional blackmail and because you are too foolish and too fast, you give in to his overtures, then real trouble starts!
  • Once he gets in between your thighs, he’s likely to get tired of you so soon and desire to move on to another girl. But before then, you begin exposing your body and system to contraceptives, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion and the like. To worsen matters, you have already opened up your life to a boy whose destiny or destination you know nothing about. The gate of your spiritual life is already swung open to lust and demonic invasion! Haaa…
  • If he dumps you, you are spiritually weak to guard against any future occurrence of such a relationship and would readily jump into the arms of the next guy. You just can’t say No and it continues like that. Just like your former, you engage in sexual intercourse and exchange spirits with his past or present sex partners and the evil baggage from multiple lives begin to draw you back; you are already disintegrating before life starts. Your divine identity that is your original is diminishing before it manifests! Haa…are you not dying slowly? With all those perpetual heartaches after they devour you spirit, soul and body! But why can’t you just pity yourself and be patient?

Is any boy/guy/man worth stifling your glorious destiny for? isn’t there time for everything? But you know I love you my sweets! Sex was created for marriage and not for casual relationships. And I don’t think you need a platonic boyfriend or fiancé under age 20. You’re meant to be busy developing yourself and pursuing a glorious future in the first 20+ years of your life!


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