The rising cost of airfares: a global problem

The rising cost of airfares: a global problem

When Canadian media theorist, Marshall McLuhan, first coined the concept of “global village” in 1964, he was writing about the impact of the newer technologies of his day, namely, radio and television. Today, the concept can be said to have truly matured with the advent of newer technologies of communication, buoyed by the satellite; rapid transport technologies by air and rail; the globalization of economic linkages; and the increasing universalisation of world bodies, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. As a result, a problem in one region often spreads quickly to the others. Such was the case with the COVID-19 pandemic, which developed in China and quickly spread throughout the world as passenger planes hopped from one international terminal to another.

It is not surprising, therefore, that three key problems, among others, bestride today’s world like a colossus. They are insecurity, inflation, and rising costs, including the astronomical hike in airfares. That’s why, today, all over the world, there is an ongoing outcry against high air travel costs, although, much less attention has been paid to the problem here in Nigerian than to the rising cost of road travel.

There are two interrelated reasons for the relative neglect of the issue in Nigeria. One, air transport is considered an elite mode of travel for a truly negligible percentage of the Nigerian population. It is believed that, whatever the cost, most of the travellers can afford it. Two, there are two formidable unions, the Nigeria Union of Road Transport Workers and the Nigeria Labour Union, that are always ready to go on strike over any identifiable development that may increase the cost of road travel. Without a doubt, their activities and the

True, the key factor often cited as the root cause of the hike in air and road transport fares is the rise in the cost of aviation fuel and so-called premium motor spirit used to propel their respective engines, but the factors responsible for the hike in airfares are beyond fuel costs. They include increasing demand for air travel; capacity problem, following layoffs during the pandemic; and bureaucratic bottlenecks, including the failure of some countries to meet their financial obligations to foreign airlines.

The reason for higher demand in air travel is understandable. All over the world, the urge to renew social ties, enjoy vacations in distant places, and explore new business opportunities increased as the over two-year pandemic declined in spread and severity, following the production of effective vaccines. Airlines responded to this increased demand by slowly raising prices. As summer travel crept in by the end of May, the cost got even hirer. An additional factor here at home is increasing insecurity on the roadways and the railroads. Those who can afford airfares flock the airports, leading to increase in airfare.

This gradual hike in airfare took a leap when the aviation fuel crisis hit the airlines due globally to the oil crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting boycott of Russian oil by European and other nations. This problem was compounded in Nigeria by reduced output in production due to oil theft and pipeline vandalism.

Another factor responsible for higher fares is increased demand, following removal of restrictions, such as COVID-19 tests and the wearing of face masks by major airlines and hotels. This has made it possible for group travels and school trips, cancelled during the pandemic, to resume fully. Besides, business and leisure trips are also witnessing an uptake in volume.

The pandemic came with more than reduced airline patronage. Early retirements and layoffs during the pandemic have led to labour shortages. Many airlines are meeting these shortages with trimmed summer schedule in order to ensure reliable operations. The result again is increased fare for the available seats. The revenue management systems used by major airlines are good at forecasting demand at different price levels and comparing it to the available seats to sell. When available seats are reduced, the system works by stopping the sale of low fares earlier in the sales cycle and make seats available only to those who are willing to pay higher prices closer to the flights departure. Besides, a number of airlines have raised prices to make for reduced profitability during the pandemic.

Like most everything else, universal problems tend to get negatively domesticated in Nigeria to everybody’s discomfiture. International airfares were suddenly raised recently beyond the reach of regular travellers, not necessarily in alignment with universal trends. The Nigerian government owes foreign airlines over $500 million in unremitted revenue. Even when the government said that part of the fund was remitted recently, no airline got enough to reverse the hike in fares. Because the airlines are forced to source funds on the parallel market, where the exchange rate is much higher, airlines are threatening to sell their tickets in dollar instead of the local currency. Even some airlines, such as Emirates, suspended Nigeria flights due to $85 million trapped revenue.

At the domestic level, local airlines initially doubled their prices in response to the high cost of aviation fuel and the need to recover profitability, following the pandemic restrictions. However, as demand rose, due to the prevailing insecurity on the roads and railways, the price went up even higher. Today, you could spend as high as N250,000 on a return flight on the Lagos-Abuja or Ibadan-Abuja route, unless you book well in advance and are willing to take early morning flight.

To be sure, insecurity, high inflation, and rising costs are universal problems, leading major world bodies to warn of impending global recession. Only those who are ignorant of global trends would blame the Nigerian government uniquely for these problems.

Where the Nigerian government deserves blame is in insufficient or delayed action in solving the problems, leading to their escalation. How come oil thieves have escaped detection in all these years? After all, as porous as Nigeria’s borders are and as large as the country is, the Customs and the NDLEA continue to trap illegal imports and drug traffickers.

Worse still, there is evidence of bureaucratic failure or gross ineptitude in the management of funds for foreign airlines. Or how else does one explain these airlines trapped funds, when passengers had already fully paid their airfares? Now that the present administration has effectively gone into lame duck session, it may well be up to the next administration to take necessary actions on skyrocketing domestic and international airfares.

This article originally appeared in Nation Online


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