Gone girls — and boys

Gone girls — and boys

Joanne Jacobs

District-run public schools lost nine percent of enrollment between spring 2021 and spring 2022, concludes ,School Disrupted by Tyton Partners, an education consultancy. Most schools had reopened, but school-switchers said they doubt the academic quality of their local schools and worry about bullying, fighting and the risk of school shootings.

Most switched to charter and private schools and homeschooling. They don’t seem to be coming back.

Many post-pandemic parents now “feel ,empowered to find alternatives,” write Michael B. Horn, author of ,From Reopen to Reinvent, and Daniel Curtis on The Future of Education. “Parents said they were dissatisfied with districts’ lack of personalized learning experiences. They want smaller class sizes, multiple learning sites, and flexible scheduling.”

Parents have a variety of priorities, they write. Politics has little to do with it.


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