The constitution and amendments

The constitution and amendments

By Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa

Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as Amended), sections 4 (1) & (2):

(1) “The legislative powers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be vested in a National Assembly for the Federation which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

(2) The National Assembly shall have power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Federation or any part thereof with respect to any matter included in the Exclusive Legislative List set out in Part 1 of the Second Schedule to this Constitution.”

The Constitution established the Legislature as the First Arm of government, because law is needed to define all other aspects of human existence. It is thus expected that through the powers granted to it under the Constitution, the legislature will work to enact good laws for the good of Nigeria. The most important of these laws is of course the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 as amended. There has been lots of hue and cry over the nature and effect of this document on our nationhood. Thus, over the years, virtually every legislative arm has attempted to amend the document as a way of placating the people of Nigeria whose input was not sought or obtained by the military before it was forced down on them.

Section 9 of the said Constitution deals with the detailed procedure for the amendment of the Constitution. It is rather cumbersome and laborious. Let me dwell on the process of amendment of the Constitution a little more in detail as adopted from Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre, with minor modifications, in paragraphs 1 to 9 hereunder.

1. Proposed amendment to the Constitution usually comes by way of Bills, which originate either from the Executive or a Member of the National Assembly as a Private Member Bill. While Executive Bills are initiated by the President, the Chief Justice of Nigeria or other Government officials, Private Member’s Bills are initiated by interest groups and sponsored by members of either the Senate or the House of Representatives. The procedure for this presentation is to submit it to the President of the Senate or Speaker of the House of Representatives as the case may be and sent to their respective Rules and Business Committees for scheduling on the Order Papers for an introduction into the Houses.

2. The National Assembly may organise a public hearing and other consultations on the bill. At this stage, Bills are not only critically examined by the Committee but by identified stakeholders of the public who are often required to make written submissions of their views through a Memorandum to propose further amendments where necessary. The Committee is at liberty to develop new amendment proposals based on received submissions and outside of those committed to it.

3. The amendment proposals are presented as one Constitution Amendment Bill or as several Bills touching on different subject matters in a report to plenary. The 8th Assembly for instance, adopted a piecemeal approach where constitutional amendment proposals were brought as separate bills rather than a single Constitutional Amendment Bill. This was done to avoid the 7th Assembly’s experience with presenting multiple proposals in a single amendment bill, which were all jettisoned when the President refused to sign the bill. If the report and bill(s) as presented is adopted at this stage, it progresses to Third Reading. Before the Bill progresses to Third Reading, every member of the legislature votes either in support or against each specific item in the Bill. Here, the proposals to the Constitution are often presented in the form of a clause.

A two third majority of all the members of each House is needed for each clause to be deemed as passed except where the proposal borders on the creation of new states, boundary adjustments, new local government areas, fundamental rights and on the mode for altering the Constitution. In such cases, a four-fifth majority is needed.


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