Killing Jewish babies: Hamas following the tradition of Pharaoh

Killing Jewish babies: Hamas following the tradition of Pharaoh


…“Yesterday, the IDF spokesman invited the media to see the results of the massacre in Kibbutz Kfar Azza,” Rabbi Glick said. “The international press saw firsthand what a human slaughterhouse looks like.

There before their eyes were entire families; husbands and wives murdered, and grandparents stabbed dead near their grandchildren. Too horrible for words was the reality that infants had been beheaded.”

“This was no innovation on the side of Hamas who sanctify hate terror and murder. The first to begin a tradition of murder of Jewish innocents was Pharaoh who instituted the horrific practice 4000 years ago.”

“Pharaoh initiated exploiting Jewish mothers and their babies believing that this would show the world what a strong god he was.”

“Eventually, Hashem, the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob intervened and made it clear that He will not stay silent when nations desecrate His Name by announcing war against His People. In short order, the nation of Egypt was wiped from the face of the earth. But this notion of killing the weak, the elderly and young, was perpetuated when Amalek chose to attack us, taking advantage of our weak sides.”

“Hashem has instructed us to declare eternal war against these cruel regimes and we are determined to fulfill this mission for the sake of a better world. We are here to raise the banner of Hashem in this world.”

“And on that day He will king the world He will one and His name One.”

[And the LORD will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one. Zechariah 14-9]

This article originally appeared in Israel 365 News


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