The powerful mind!

The powerful mind!


In her message to me, a lady wrote:

We met at a point that each of us was eager to settle down. He always told me that women had taken advantage of him so much that he was losing faith in matters of the heart.

Within a few months of intense communication, we began to plan my visit to his base.

We agreed that I would be there for a month and if I liked his space and the environment, we could start working towards my relocation and career plans.

In addition to being a businessman, he is also a pastor. One evening that we were talking, he told me that someone was coming to him for prayers.

He said it was a man. This was happening around 7pm and he needed to inform me in case I called and he was unreachable.

So, when I called him around 10pm and he was sounding distracted, I asked if the person was still there. And he said that the fellow just got there as he was delayed by traffic.

I immediately began to feel uneasy about the whole prayer story. In fact, what came to my mind was a gay scenario.

That very night, I had a dream where I found myself in his home. In that dream, I emerged from the bedroom, passed by the swimming pool and headed to the sitting room when a lady (in a white bikini) emerged from the shadows and blocked my way, forming a barrier between the two of us.

A few days later, I relayed the dream to him and he was silent for a moment before clearing his throat to say that I had just described his house without even visiting yet.

The interesting thing is that the relationship began to lose its flow from the moment of that night of prayer.

By the time the date for my supposed trip to his station came close, we were no longer communicating as such, despite the fact that my flight ticket had been paid for by him.

Within two months, I learned that he was married to another woman.

Another thing that I also learned was that that was his third marriage and he was HIV-positive!

Barely two years down the line, in another dream, I kept seeing a man who was trying to hold my hand. He was loving and seemed to be present wherever I went in that dream. Moments later, a vague figure began to tell me about that same man.

It was more like explaining his personal attributes to me, most of which were positive. As the figure reeled off his attributes, I kept nodding and at a time, I asked, ‘Does he have money’?

The moment I asked that question, the figure shut down towards me and exited through her right side.

This was some years back. Because I am married today to a man who had been in my space all along but I just didn’t see him in that ‘husband’ light.

He has not only given me a wonderful marriage experience, but also adorable children and our combined economic output gives us a very comfortable life.

–          From Oby…

What these experiences teach is how powerful the mind (which I believe is the spirit of God in us) is when it comes to guiding us towards what is good for us or protecting us from that which means harm.


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