The thing about success!

The thing about success!


As an undergraduate at the university, I would always use my holidays to go around the banks in town, submitting proposals for a Christmas decoration job.

Some of them called me for the job and even referred me to their clients who liked my job. One incident in particular comes to mind.

The bank manager called me to discuss my quotation and eventually referred me to a female staff of the bank for mobilisation.

This lady grilled me so much that I began to wonder if we had met somewhere and I offended her without realising it. I mean, I was sent to her to be given an upfront payment for the job which was already approved by the branch manager, and no question needed to be asked which the manager didn’t already ask me!

On the day (a Saturday) of the job, we arrived as early as 7 am and this lady was already there on the phone. What I kept hearing was ‘’Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir, I can do it’’.

It turned out that she called a higher authority in the bank and ensured she convinced him to stop the job that I had already been mobilised for.

Before I even got my workers and equipment out of the premises, the lady’s workers arrived to begin work.

It didn’t even matter to her that the bank had already incurred some expenses in mobilising me.

It also didn’t matter that I was a young woman like herself…trying to survive.

As I left the premises, I kept shaking my head at the extent of some people’s meanness when they were bent on achieving a selfish aim.

How do such persons sleep at night?

Some people have every reason to not go to certain low but they are the first to go there because whatever they have is never enough!

It was in the cause of handling Christmas decorations for banks that I realised that a lot of them send for food outside during lunchtime and I began to look for a way to bring the food to their doorstep at lunch hours. But, I needed banks with appreciable staff strength.

Eventually, I found a couple of them and began.

I had a cook as well as girls that were paid to go sell the food. And as the school began to take more of my time (I was heading to my final year), I began to scout for a manager whose job would be going around to supervise the sales and ensure our customers were served well.

There was a young lady who used to greet me well in the neighborhood.

Do you know those ‘very friendly’ types?

The next time we ran into each other, I sold the idea to her and she jumped at it as she claimed she had been jobless.

She eventually joined the business but the money she often remitted to me was not what the sales girls claimed they paid her. Plus, the fact that they claimed she spent most of her time in a particular bank manager’s office, instead of assisting with the business.

After I confronted her, she stopped reporting for duty and stopped speaking to me.

The girls told me that she continued to visit the manager and often boasted that the man was on the verge of chasing us out of the premises to establish her.


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