Women wind up doing most of the work for Christmas, survey shows

Women wind up doing most of the work for Christmas, survey shows


Behind every great Christmas — may be a very hard-working woman. A new survey of British adults reveals that women disproportionately shoulder the bulk of holiday tasks. The research underscores a significant disparity in how festive duties are divided, challenging traditional gender roles and highlighting the need for more equitable participation.

The findings of the study, commissioned by OnePoll, are telling: a staggering 80% of women report bearing the majority of the “mental burden” associated with Christmas preparations, encompassing planning, shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts, and even cleaning. This contrast becomes more pronounced with 68% of women taking on gift wrapping, compared to just 32% of men, and 58% managing the greeting cards.

Women are 20% more likely than men to set the dinner table for the Christmas meal. They are also twice as likely to ensure that family pets have gifts to “unwrap.”

In all, a quarter of women surveyed feel entirely burdened, saying they shoulder “all” the responsibility for holiday festivities — with their partners contributing nothing. In a striking contrast, the few tasks falling more frequently to men include ensuring the car is fueled and hanging outdoor Christmas lights.

The survey also sheds light on the relational strain caused by these imbalances, with 17% of adults having argued with their partners over pre-Christmas preparations. Moreover, 62% believe that women end up managing most of the mental load for a smooth holiday season.

“Christmas is a collective experience, and sharing the mental load ensures everyone feels valued and appreciated,” a OnePoll spokesperson says in a statement. “It’s not about gender roles, it’s about recognizing the unique strengths each person brings to the table and collaborating to make the holiday season magical for all. These figures do seem to show there is still a fairly old-fashioned approach to Christmas across much of the UK.”

While 57% of respondents acknowledge that women are often “better” at organizing Christmas décor and celebrations, 56% of women admit that managing these tasks dampens their holiday spirit. On the other hand, 24% of men admitted to generally relaxing during the festive preparations…


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