Letter from a 30-year-old virgin

Letter from a 30-year-old virgin


Dear Sexually-Pure,

I know there’s a lot of pressure on you. I know you might be thinking that something is wrong with you because most guys can’t be in relationship with you whenever you mention celibacy.  However, I’m here to let you know that you aren’t in this journey alone. They didn’t leave you but they lost you, and you’re saving your future. The world is full of immorality and moral decadence has become the order of the day. People celebrate nudity and immorality.  But it’s high time we became loud on our assignment. You shouldn’t grapple with fear and belittlement simply because you want to fit in. Not every man should draw your attention, you are on a different path, don’t veer because you need to compromise. For whatever you compromise to get you will compromise to keep.

I see story of someone graduating from the university and still a virgin, coming out proud to say it and the question many people are asking is “Do you have a good character?” I can’t even comprehend such a question! How many times do you ask the ones going naked on Internet such question? Minister of character affairs!

Instead of giving her accolades and compliments for preserving herself all through the university they give demeaning words. Ohhh! You don’t know what some of them went through, some had to repeat courses because of their refusal to be devoured by devourers in the name of lecturers, campus boys. Ohhh! You don’t know how intense the temptation is, some would rather drank garri than mess up with their bodies. Better refrain from such words!

So dearly beloved, virgin or not but on the path of celibacy, listen, 1 Corinthians 6:19 says “Do you not know that your bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”  So if you are not your own, do you think God will leave you? No! All you need do is embrace the word of God to elicit power.

You can’t just live anyhow else the devil will mess up your life. You need divine power for this journey to climb to the apex of your career.

Be discerning so you wouldn’t fall into the hands of a wrong man. Know how to connect and relate with God your father so that all your waiting years wouldn’t end in a regretful marriage. God is too jealous to give out his child to the devil except you didn’t hear when He speaks to you.


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