Bruising poll for PM predicts by-election thrashing amid looming threat of confidence vote

Bruising poll for PM predicts by-election thrashing amid looming threat of confidence vote

Boris Johnson will make the NHS a key feature of a series of expected policy announcements in the coming days, as the PM tries to move on from a bruising week which reignited reports of an impending confidence vote.

More than 40 Conservative MPs have publicly called on the prime minister to resign over the partygate scandal, which was thrust back into the spotlight following his response to the Sue Gray report.

Some have also confirmed that they have submitted a letter of no confidence in him to Sir Graham Brady, who chairs the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers.

Under party rules, Mr Johnson will face a confidence vote in a secret ballot if 54 Tory MPs submit a letter – and some in Westminster believe the threshold could be met this week.

However, even if there is no ballot this week, a new survey suggests that the prime minister could face a bruising result in a vote of a different kind later this month.

A survey of voters in Wakefield, who go to the…


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