PM says critics of Rwanda deportation plan have 'condescending attitudes' towards African nation

PM says critics of Rwanda deportation plan have 'condescending attitudes' towards African nation

Boris Johnson has accused detractors of his Rwanda deportation policy of having “condescending attitudes” towards the African nation, as the prime minister said he hopes to use his visit to Kigali to change minds.

Mr Johnson said Rwanda‘s hosting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM) was “an opportunity for us all to understand what the partnership has to offer, what Rwandans have to offer, and help to shed some of those condescending attitudes towards Rwanda”.

The prime minister, joking that he was conscious that he was arriving in Kigali before “anybody who has travelled illegally across the Channel”, insisted that the policy was a good idea.

PM told to get the trains running during PMQs – latest politics updates

His remarks come after weeks of conflict over this policy, culminating in the first scheduled flight being grounded after a last-minute intervention by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

The government subsequently announced…


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