Nicola Sturgeon to lay out 'route map' to new Scottish independence vote

Nicola Sturgeon to lay out 'route map' to new Scottish independence vote

The Scottish people must be allowed to have “the democratic choice they have voted for”, with another referendum on independence, Scotland’s First Minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon made the comments ahead of laying out what she has called the “route map” to another independence vote, even if Westminster tries to block the plans.

Under the Scotland Act, the UK government would need to make a so-called section 30 order to permit a referendum. Such an Order in Council was issued ahead of the 2014 independence vote under the the Edinburgh agreement between Westminster and Holyrood.

Boris Johnson insists that, in the interest of stability, no section 30 order will be issued, while Ms Sturgeon asserts that one cannot be reasonably refused.

She says SNP’s victory in the 2021 Holyrood election gives her the mandate to hold another referendum, which she wants before the end of 2023.

SNP failed to win overall control in the Scottish Parliament last year but a…


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