Kim Jong-un bans ‘non-socialist’ hairdos, tight jeans & earrings as North Koreans face being ARRESTED for breaking rules

The Sun

KIM JONG-UN has ordered the fashion police to take to the streets in a crackdown on a “non-socialist” hair dos, tight jeans and gaudy earrings.

Excessively long or spiky hair will land men with an enforced trip to the barbers – where workers have an approved list of 15 very similar styles – or arrest and prison for repeat offenders.

Women also have 15 styles and are not allowed very long tresses, while they are also banned from dying their locks.

North Korea‘s provincial Youth League recently issued an order on “proper” hairstyles and clothing, a source told news outlet Daily NK.

Kim’s authorities are cracking down on dyed or long hair, earrings, jeans and clothing with foreign lettering.

Authorities view unauthorised hairdos, wearing tight clothes and showy jewellery as part of the “yellow wind of capitalism”.

The regime has labelled such conduct “anti-socialist behaviour”.

At the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee the authorities decided that stronger action would be taken against dedicated followers of Western fashion.

Following the decision, the authorities had made efforts to crackdown on the behaviour along with propaganda activities aimed at the population.

According to the source, the latest move is part of measures to carry out the plenary meeting’s decision and to tackle “waning discipline” within the country caused by disease control measures aimed at combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Repeat offenders face being locked up in labour camps for their anti-regime actions.

North Korea also prohibits Western-style clothes like ripped jeans, t-shirts with slogans on, nose and lip piercings and fines of up to £3 are handed out for women wearing mini-skirts and fish-net stockings.


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