Pilot burning to death had 45 seconds to save his life – and a terrible choice to make

Pilot burning to death had 45 seconds to save his life – and a terrible choice to make


A thousand feet above ground alone in a burning plane, special forces soldier Jamie Hull had two options – and both would mean almost certain death.

The rookie pilot either had to stay in the cockpit as fire burned his flesh to the bones or leap from the aircraft before it smashed into the ground in a ball of flames.

Despite the agonising pain, Jamie managed to stay conscious to bring the plane low enough so he could out climb on to the wing and jump.

The fact he is here today 14 years on to tell the tale is nothing short of miraculous. Jamie suffered 65% third-degree burns to his face and body, and his eye socket and cheek bone were shattered.

He also had severe internal injuries and battled renal failure, kidney dialysis, pneumonia and septicaemia with doctors giving him just a 5% chance of survival.

But survive he did. And after spending six months in an induced coma in the US, and a further 18 months in a UK hospital undergoing more than 60 operations, Jamie somehow pulled through.

“Quite honestly I shouldn’t be here after what I went through,” he admits.


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