How women-hating ‘incels’ are plotting WW3 so men can ‘take back society’ as part of their twisted beliefs

How women-hating ‘incels’ are plotting WW3 so men can ‘take back society’ as part of their twisted beliefs

The Sun

TWISTED incels have called for World War 3 so men can “take back society” from “feminism and degeneracy”, troubling posts online show.

The term “incel” means involuntary celibate and refers to a dark online community of mostly young male virgins who despise women and canonize mass murderers.

Internet forums dedicated to the troubled thoughts of these individuals often contain misogyny, racism and openly discuss acts of violence against women.

Incel-related violence has been linked to at least 53 deaths in recent years, statistics show, and one of the most popular incel forums, some members of the community have called for wide-scale bloodshed to help “reset” society.

“It’s no secret that western society (so far, it’s likely that other the rest of the world will be feminist soon as well [sic]) has been ruined by feminism and all sorts of degeneracy,” one incel recently posted to a forum.

“Men, especially straight white men are vilified and get no respect. Everything is blamed on the ‘evil’ patriarchy. Lots of men are brainwashed into believe [sic] the whole women being oppressed narrative.”

The user continued that women are “ungrateful to men” who “build and made the US and in general the west so powerful.”

“And things will only get worse. We have had it too easy in the west so people in the past few decades … became focused on dumb s**t like feminism.

We need real problems, maybe WW3 or something else that is devastating so people grow up and appreciate men again.”

A host of other incels agreed, with some fantasizing how such a war would play out.

“Don’t worry, it’ll happen,” one wrote. “Mad max style s**t is on its way. I for one look forward to it. Here in Canada, most people are p**sies so fighting to the death will be too easy.”

The troubling remarks come as experts warn that inceldom is on the rise, particularly in the US, with more lonely young men subscribing to the group’s twisted beliefs than ever before.

Dr. Josh Roose, a Senior Research Fellow at Deakin University in Australia, told The Sun that the concerning increase can be attributed to a number of factors, including the “deepening of socio-economic inequality” in Western society and the emergence of social media.

“The emergence of Incel ideological currents, which may be understood as part of a broader movement (male supremacism), has paralleled the emergence of the alt- and far-right,” Roose said.

He added that websites such as 4Chan, Reddit, and YouTube have been in the development of these communities.

“Instagram and Tinder [also] play an unwitting role in these developments,” Roose added. “To Incels, the platforms substantiate their claims that women are only interested in attractive men.”

Michael Haplin, an assistant professor of Sociology at Dalhousie University, agreed, adding: “Take Tinder for instance. On Tinder, it tends to be very difficult for men who are short to get matches.

“This is one of the things incels talk about, it’s called ‘lookism’, and they believe – in a distorted way – that they’re victimized by it.”

The incel community tends to be self-reinforcing and self-radicalizing, with members believing that their looks or personal traits have condemned them to a lifetime of loneliness.

Incels have also developed elaborate and deeply misogynistic theories to blame others for their plight, centered on the idea that women are stupid, shallow-minded, and intrinsically cruel.

They sometimes call women “sluts” or “whores” but most commonly refer to them as “femoids,” “foids” or even “female humanoid organisms” — in other words, not quite human.

This radical ideology is often referred to as “black pill” thinking.

“Some incels have moved beyond ‘red pill’ thinking, which in their vernacular, enables them to see the harsh truth of the world (as opposed to ‘blue pill’ blissful ignorance),” Roose explains.

“Black Pill thinking is fatalistic. Incels embracing ‘black pill’ thinking assert that there is no possibility of circumventing female prejudice attached to physical attractiveness (lookism) and status.”

Read the full story in The Sun


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