WW3 fears grow as China boasts US would have ‘no chance’ of stopping Taiwan invasion

WW3 fears grow as China boasts US would have ‘no chance’ of stopping Taiwan invasion


World War Three fears are growing after the war of words between China and the USA escalated, with the communist state boasting America would have “no chance” of stopping an invasion of Taiwan.

Military expert Du Wenlong, who is based at China’s Military Culture Society, said US plans to stall a potential Chinese military invasion of Taiwan would result in failure.

When asked if their potential military strike on the island could be prevented by the US, Mr Wenlong said that American troops would have “no chance to intervene” as Chinese forces could arrive in Taiwan “in a very short amount of time”.

Taiwan has never been officially governed by China’s Communist party. But earlier this year President Xi Jinpeng pledged a “complete unification” with the Taiwanese island in a speech to mark the 100th anniversary of the political party.


It appears China also has a combative plan of action if an invasion were to happen and Mr Wenlong has told China’s state-controlled broadcaster CCTV that they “will have completed all combat tasks” in Taiwan before US forces even have the chance to arrive.

Read the full story in Daily Star


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