How to spot and avoid a Ponzi scheme

How to spot and avoid a Ponzi scheme

The word Ponzi is now synonymous with fraud, especially financial fraud. Its important investors do very basic scoring of financial offers they receive or are considering.

What is a Ponzi Scheme? A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scheme that offers high interest but pays this interest by taking the deposits of new investors to pay the earlier investors. A Ponzi scheme is a game of numbers for the perpetrators; if there are more new investors, the scheme continues. A Ponzi scheme is very similar to a pyramid scheme; a pyramid scheme involves recruiting new “investors”. A Ponzi scheme is always illegal, and it consists of selling a product or service.

How can you spot a Ponzi scheme? It is complex; Ponzi schemes being fraudulent, always seek to mimic what is legal to confuse and deceive investors. Take Charles Ponzi, from whom the name Ponzi Scheme comes. Charles had a rather formal name for his scheme; he called it the Securities and Exchange Company or SEC. s. So let’s talk about two critical red flags that you should look out for.

  1. Incomplete registration
  2. Custodian
  3. Outlandish promises of investment return

Incomplete Registration

If the company Registration is incomplete or absent, it’s a red flag. All organisations that do business with the public have to hold a valid and up to date registration. This requirement is essential for any company offering financial products or services. Simply having Corporate Affairs Commission registration (CAC) registration is insufficient. I will list the two financial activities and the regulatory body empowered to register or license them to simplify this.

The company seeks to accept deposits and make loans: Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

The company seeks to offer or solicit investment products to the public: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

If a company offers public investment products, that organisation MUST be SEC registered. Keep in mind that a company cannot also seek to raise funds from the public to fund its private business. The investor must ask two questions from any entity offering investment products.

  1. Is the entity providing the investment service duly registered by SEC?
  2. Is the investment scheme authorised by the SEC?
  3. Who is the fund custodian?

For example, please look at this prospectus by the Chapel Hill Denham on their Bond fund in figure 1; they disclose that their bond fund is authorised and registered in Nigeria by SEC.


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