DOCTOR DEATH:I was a surgeon in China – I was forced to cut open and steal organs out of LIVE patient as he writhed in agony

DOCTOR DEATH:I was a surgeon in China – I was forced to cut open and steal organs out of LIVE patient as he writhed in agony

WHAT was supposed to be an innocent hospital trip for budding young surgeon Enver Tohti turned out to be a nightmare when he was forced to operate on living prisoners.

Tohti, 58, was a cancer surgeon in Xinjian region in the 1990s but was forced to flee his beloved home country after threats from Chinese communist state.

He was just 32 that fateful day back in August 1995 when he was hauled in front to his chief surgeon and asked if he wanted to “do something wild”.

Dr Tothi ended up being bundled into a minivan and taken to a secret location where he was forced to remove the liver and kidneys of a patient as he struggled and fought for his life.

And the medic is just one of thousands of Chinese doctors forced against their will to operate on executed prisoners in what is believed to be a multi-billion-pound business .

The Asian powerhouse has long been suspected of encouraging the inhumane practice, which is believed to have seen thousands of political prisoners slaughtered for their organs that are then sold into the black market.

And there are now concerns Beijing could be using the evil practice to silence its Uighur minority.

Dr Tothi told The Sun Online he will never forget that horrific day as he was forced to perform the sickening surgery.

His boss told him told to get “largest operation tools” he could find and meet outside the hospital gates the following morning after he approached him with the “wild” offer.

What happened next would change Tohti’s life forever and eventually see him flee China in fear of his safety.


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