Pilots' most convincing UFO encounter tales after public hearing bombshells

Pilots' most convincing UFO encounter tales after public hearing bombshells

A bombshell hearing this week added weight to theories that aliens exist as US officials blew the lid off encounters with UFOs.

The Pentagon revealed there had been 400 UFO sightings recorded when quizzed by US Congress.

During the public hearing, the first of its kind in 50 years, two senior defence officials, Ronald Moultrie and Scott Bray, talked through several encounters with “unidentified aerial phenomena” – aka flying saucers.

Last year, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence outlined progress made by its Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force in a preliminary report to Congress.

The hearing also came five months after a “National Defense Authorization Act” required the US military to establish a permanent office that would gather and look into UAPs.

That Act also stated there should be an annual report and semi-annual briefings for Congress on UAPs.


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