‘I was 65th wife of evil cult leader who had 24 underage girls and banned books'

‘I was 65th wife of evil cult leader who had 24 underage girls and banned books'


The 65th wife of one of the most notorious cult leaders in American history was forced into marrying him at the age of 18.

With an isolated existence that saw television, films, music, internet and books banned, and a way of life dictated by evil leader Warren Jeffs, Briell Decker says she was indoctrinated and groomed by the tyrant from a young age.

She spoke to Cultish about her experiences of growing up in the polygamist Mormon cult, the FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), which saw her forced into an appointed marriage with Jeffs at a young age.

At the time of his arrest in 2008 Jeffs had been on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List, and had more than 70 wives, 24 of whom were underage girls.


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