World's largest fishing colony discovered in Antarctica

World's largest fishing colony discovered in Antarctica

Tech Explorist

The most spatially extensive contiguous fish breeding colony discovered worldwide to date.

Using a towed camera system, a team of scientists recently discovered the world’s largest fish breeding area near the Filchner Ice Shelf in the south of the Antarctic Weddell Sea. They photographed and filmed several nests of icefish of the species Neopagetopsis.

In February 2021, the team aboard the research vessel Polarstern found the mind-bogglingly massive icefish breeding colony while surveying the seabed with this camera system. The photos revealed numerous fish nests. Further observation shows that on average, one breeding site per three square meters, the team found a maximum of one to two active nests per square meter.

The team estimated the total number of fish nests around 60 million. The nests are round, 15 centimeters deep, and 75 centimeters diameter.

Autun Purser, a deep-sea biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), and lead author of the current publication, said, “The idea that such a huge breeding area of icefish in the Weddell Sea was previously undiscovered is fascinating.”

“After the spectacular discovery of the many fish nests, we thought about a strategy on board to find out how large the breeding area was – there was no end in sight. The nests are three-quarters of a meter in diameter – so they are much larger than the structures and creatures, some of which are only centimeters in size, that we normally detect with the OFOBS system.”

“So, we were able to increase the height above ground to about three meters and the towing speed to a maximum of three knots, thus multiplying the area investigated. We covered an area of 45,600 square meters and counted an incredible 16,160 fish nests on the photo and video footage.”

The team distinguished several types of fish nests: “Active” nests, containing between 1,500 and 2,500 eggs and guarded in three-quarters of the cases by an adult icefish of the species Neopagetopsis ionah, or nests which had only eggs; there were also unused nests, in the vicinity of which either only a fish without eggs could be seen, or a dead fish.

When the results were combined with oceanographic and biological data, the outcomes revealed that the breeding area corresponds spatially with the inflow of warmer deep water from the Weddell Sea onto the higher shelf. Further analysis revealed that the region is a popular destination for Weddell seals. Scientists also calculate the biomass of the ice fish colony there at 60 thousand tonnes.


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