Aliens have not contacted Earth because there’s no sign of intelligence, study claims

Aliens have not contacted Earth because there’s no sign of intelligence, study claims

Author Amri Wandel claims aliens are yet to visit Earth but they do exist – and that there’s a scientific reason why extraterrestrials are yet to make contact


Aliens are yet to contact Earth because there’s no sign of intelligence on our planet, a new study has claimed.

Author Amri Wandel believes extra-terrestrials aren’t getting the signals you would expect, so have thus far avoided coming close.

The expert, an astrophysicist at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has put forward a theory as to why aliens have yet to pay us a visit – but things may soon change.

He feels because humans have only been sending out signals detectable from space since the 1930s, they just aren’t responding to the messages.

Only stars within 50 light-years have had time to respond since Earth started its space broadcast, the writer outlined.

A Beacon in the Galaxy message could in the future be fired into space to be received and understood by an alien civilisation.

The researcher’s preprint paper has just been published to the arXiv database.


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